MedInfoSys®: Searching

The ability to search and locate records quickly is extremely important:

  • To locate related information when logging enquiries
  • To identify sets of data for analysis or reporting
  • To find the relevant reference materials necessary to reply to an enquiry
  • To answer questions during regulatory audits

MedInfoSys® incorporates a number of flexible search and data export tools:

  • Most views within the system include filters – using picklists – which allow for sophisticated and precise selections of data: to provide e.g. a listing of all enquiries of a given status and of a given type, logged within a certain time period and assigned to a particular user
  • Furthermore, all views can be column-sorted and date filters optionally applied to refine the search
  • Most views also have full text searching capability, which supports:
    • Searching for a single word, words or a phrase
    • Boolean search conditions (AND, OR, etc)
    • Wildcards
  • Several views also support the ability to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet

There is also a Reports section that includes what might be considered as “fixed searches”, where named reports provide tabular information for a set time period and also display graphs (this information can also be exported to Excel for further analysis).